Polished semi precious stones are excellent tools for relaxation, meditaion and crystal healing. They are easy to carry with you, use during yoga or as beautiful home decor that enhances our mood and environment.
There are many ways to utilize these healing crystals. One of the easiest is to schedule 5-10 minutes of quiet time for crystal healing and meditation. Find a comfortable quiet area, hold your stone in the palm of your hand, close your eyes and try to visualize the stone that your using. Focus on your breathing, focus on parts of the body to be sure that every muscle is relaxed. Clear your mind and cleanse your energy to then help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Rose Quartz is the stone that represents unconditional love and infinite peace. It is used for healing the heart, restores trust and harmony. This lovely pink stone is the finest emotional healer and is excellent for trauma or crisis. The stone draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes.